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Diggins Trail 2 - January 10, 2004
16. Go man...go..jpg
16. Go man...go.
17. Bambi cruisin'..jpg
17. Bambi cruisin'.
18. Stacy comes out of the snow..jpg
18. Stacy comes out of the snow.
19. Water Cannon used to blast the mountain..jpg
19. Water Cannon used to blast the mountain.
20. Jack sitting at crossing..jpg
20. Jack sitting at crossing.
21. Ok.  Terry, when you bolt your box down...you DON'T need a Velcro handle strap..jpg
21. Ok. Terry, when you bolt your box down...you DON'T need a Velcro handle strap.
22. Dusty and Stacy at lunch...nice table bro..jpg
22. Dusty and Stacy at lunch...nice table bro.
23. Obsessed Crew; Scott, Jack, Terry, Ken(Powerfist), Dusty, Stacy and Miren..jpg
23. Obsessed Crew; Scott, Jack, Terry, Ken(Powerfist), Dusty, Stacy and Miren.
24. Scott...Lights up the scenery..jpg
24. Scott...Lights up the scenery.
25. Hell Bent For Pink..jpg
25. Hell Bent For Pink.
26. Miren cruising..jpg
26. Miren cruising.
26. Terry, Jack, Dusty and Scott..what....what...jpg
26. Terry, Jack, Dusty and Scott..what....what..
27. Jack climbs on up...rock on..jpg
27. Jack climbs on up...rock on.
28. Miren powers up..jpg
28. Miren powers up.
29. Miren making sure the Honda's make it..jpg
29. Miren making sure the Honda's make it.


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