Moonrocks, NV - May 5-6, 2007
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016. And Keith does what Keith does every few minutes...You'd think he was 9 months along..jpg
016. And Keith does what Keith does every few minutes...You'd think he was 9 months along.
017. Lunch break...Kendo, Nick and Lori..jpg
017. Lunch break...Kendo, Nick and Lori.
018. LOPPY on the grey machine..jpg
018. LOPPY on the grey machine.
019. Crappy view...Next time no Loppy..jpg
019. Crappy view...Next time no Loppy.
020. Kendo!.jpg
020. Kendo!
021. Mr. Bill with Ken's machine parked majestically..jpg
021. Mr. Bill with Ken's machine parked majestically.
022. Is that Lori with Keith..jpg
022. Is that Lori with Keith.
023. Or Kenny!...OMG, they killed Kenny..YOU BASTARDS!.jpg
023. Or Kenny!...OMG, they killed Kenny..YOU BASTARDS!
024. We find a Johnny on the spot portable for some construction project..Nick uses it..we hide! Of COURSE!.jpg
024. We find a Johnny on the spot portable for some construction project..Nick uses it..we hide! Of COURSE!
025. While Nick drops a lincoln log, Loppy checks for pun intended..jpg
025. While Nick drops a lincoln log, Loppy checks for pun intended.
026. We all hide behind a huge pile of dirt..jpg
026. We all hide behind a huge pile of dirt.
027. LOL..Nick comes and tells us ALL we're #1!.jpg
027. LOL..Nick comes and tells us ALL we're #1!
028. Appreciating a good joke, Nick high fives Loppy..jpg
028. Appreciating a good joke, Nick high fives Loppy.
029. Some water project in the middle of BFE..jpg
029. Some water project in the middle of BFE.
030. Photos don't do it was VERY STEEP..jpg
030. Photos don't do it was VERY STEEP.

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