Fordyce Trail - October 03, 2007
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046. It looks easy...but it looks a lot more intimidating in person..jpg
047. The deepest, fastest part..jpg
048. Done..jpg
049. Yes..let's hope the others are easy..jpg
050. Then they had to come up the hill..jpg
051. It looks harder in person..jpg
052. A light break at the mining equipment..jpg
053. The old mining equipment is still there..jpg
054. Ok Eric, that only took an hour..jpg
055. Larry finds a photo op..jpg
056. Ken, Larry and Eric...having a blast..jpg
057. Ok...let's scat..jpg
058. Just a perfect day, with whispy clouds...what a difference 2 days will make..jpg
059. Hey Eric, there's a killer view behind you..jpg
060. Dude...turn around..jpg

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